Providing comprehensive services for organizing: transportation, transshipment, acceptance, operation of vessels, full dispatch of vessel routes, additional cargo insurance upon request, provision of reporting documentation.
Transportation by sea from the port of Azov is carried out on modern river-sea vessels in accordance with all international standards in a year-round mode for the destination: to the Caucasus OPL, the roadstead of the Caucasus port, the ports of Turkey, the nearest Mediterranean ports of friendly countries.
Today the company operates 7 steamships, of which 5 mother ships (about 7800-8000 carrying capacity) and 2 “dry cargo” river-sea type (type RSD 59 - 8100 deadweight / 389,000 cubic feet hold volume).
The company's fleet operates in the regions of the Azov, BLACK and MIDDLE seas, and there is also the possibility of operating the fleet in the inland waterways of RUSSIA and the CASPIAN Sea.
The company's fleet flies under the RUSSIAN flag.